Professional relooking
Looks matter.
We never get a second chance to make a first impression: it mainly relies on looks and body expressions. Indeed, people tend to build an opinion based on looks. Your face, your make-up, your hairstyle, your silhouette, your looks are a set of clues about your personality.
The company shares values: its first and most important one revolves around its people.
Whether you lead the company or work close to the clients, you should be confident in your look so that your clients put trust in your company.
The professional relooking service consists in a complete and efficient program enhancing your ability to increase your self-confidence and be harmonious with the company.
Your private coach in style will help you to shape your silhouette, reinforce your identity at work while respecting who you are and the image you want to convey.
We will teach you how to break the fashion code in you professional environment.
Your coach in style will teach you to be convincing and to seduce through your look. You will be able to work your way out of the codes and tendencies while gaining in credibility and being more legitimate.
Finally, we will introduce you to the wonderful world of accessorizing and detail allowing you to stand out from the crowd in a smart way.
Your employees’ look must be in adequation with the image you want to convey to the world.
We offer you to support your coworkers through the process of highlighting their beauty assets through workshops (in groups or individually).
Main topics :
Individual interview
Company dress code
The codes of verbal and gestural communication
The role of image within companies
Colorimetry and morphology advice
Style Definition and creation
Shopping assistance or creation of personal look-book